Children who are nourished physically, emotionally and mentally in a way that makes them feel safe and loved are better able to concentrate on their learning and express creativity.
At Art Village Nursery we have a great emphasis on the importance of creating a respectful, accepting, encouraging and loving atmosphere and learning environment where children can feel freedom to express themselves and explore in a way that they see fit.
At Art Village all children are given a great platform to express, share, investigate, research, create, explore, try on hypotheses and much more, and all this to challenge and develop their abilities and create life long memories.
We believe, that the teachers, educators and pedagogues are the essential part of creating a healthy learning environment. A present teacher, with healthy life values, loving, empathic, curious and passionate about her role as co-explorer is more important than anything else in the classroom.
The environment that we offer has an identity and a purpose. It is rich in potential to engage, communicate and is valued by children and adults. The use of space encourages encounters and communication, and promotes relationships. We view our environment as a place that is welcoming, embraces nature, aesthetically pleasing, culturally representative of our community, and filled with purposeful materials.
The resources offered are authentic and consist of loose parts that promote creativity, critical thinking, questions, experimentation, and open-ended play. Our environment clearly interacts with the children and is regularly modified in relation to the changing projects and learning experiences. Our classroom environment is seen as a place where children and adults constructively work together to build productive surroundings. Thus, the environment becomes the third teacher.